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It’s beginning to look a lot like…

This was a fun surprise!!!  Not only did Hobby Lobby mark their Easter Clearance down to 90%, but I also found this…

I like ALL of the seasons, but I would have to say I LOVE the Fall and Winter seasons the most!  I don’t necessarily enjoy the extremely cold weather, but I do like the decorations.

It was a shock and then a delightful surprise when I walked in, saw Easter Clearance marked down to 90% AND Fall/Christmas decorations!  There were even a few empty aisles just waiting to be filled with more Fall/Winter decor! 

There wasn’t much available yet, but I did notice a bunch of brown boxes in some of the aisles. 🤞  Stay tuned…

Be sure to grab your 40% off one regular priced item coupon before you head in.  Find the pass on the website or on your Hobby Lobby app!  The discount is also available for online shopping too!