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Check out this $1 Magazine Sale! Basically, if you are looking for an annual membership, start here! You’ll get your first magazine for just $1.00. Awesome deal right? It gets better. After receiving your first magazine, you will automatically receive an annual membership at just $39.96 for 12 issues! The annual memberships are regularly $59.40.
There are 4 options for annual magazine memberships. Above is the Highlights Magazine for ages 6-12.
High Five Magazine for ages 2-6.
Hello Magazine for ages 0-2.
There is also a High Five Bilingue Magazine for ages 2-6.
Highlights is also offering 4 Books for $4.00! Plus, you’ll get a FREE tote and FREE shipping!
Hidden Pictures Let’s Play 4 for $4
Hidden Pictures Eagle-Eye 4 for $4
Did you know Highlights also has a Hidden Pictures Puzzle App? You can download it today for FREE for iOS and Android devices.