Through Saturday, Reward’s Members can score M&M’s 8 – 11.4 oz. for just $2.00 each at Walgreens! They are on sale 2/$5.00. There is a $1.00 digital coupon you can find online or in your Walgreens app. You can also find it in the Walgreen’s Savings Book located at the front of each store near the ad and shopping carts. Score 2 bags for $4.00 or just $2.00 each.

Here’s an easy, kid friendly recipe that works perfectly for just about every holiday! All you need is a bag of M&M’s, a bag of Hershey’s Hugs, and a bag of pretzels. The pretzels I use are Snyder’s of Hanover Snaps or Circles or Classic Mini’s.

Preheat oven to 200°.
Place pretzels in a single layer on a cookie sheet.
Unwrap the Hershey’s Hugs. Place one Hershey’s Hugs in the middle of each pretzel.
Put pretzels/Hugs in oven for approximately 5 minutes and remove from oven using hot pad etc. The cookie sheet won’t really be EXTREMELY HOT, but if children are doing this part, please use caution and adult supervision.
Place a M&M (I think plain works best) in the center of each Hershey’s Hugs and gentle press it in. If the M&M does not “squish” in easily, put the cookie sheet back into the oven for another minute and try again.
Let cool!
Tip: Once cooled, put the cookie sheet in the freezer for about 10 minutes and they will be easier to remove!
These can be put in an air tight container and saved for approximately one week. Or they can be divvied up into snack bags for your child’s class, etc.
Simple – Easy – Delicious!
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