Check out the deal on this flash drive – it’s 75% off this week only!
Head on over to Best Buy to score this
SanDisk – Ultra 64 GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive – black – for ONLY $14.99 this week! The normal price on this flash drive is $59.99 – that’s 75% off the original price.
This flash drive has a “read speed” of up to 80 MB/sec! WOW!! Perfect to save documents or pictures (tons of pics actually)!
If interested…you could also grab this Insignia – USB Flash Drive Case in black for $3.99. It has a stainless steel clip so you can attach your flash drive to your bag, etc. It helps protect your flash drive from dust and scratches.
Both of these should be available for FREE in store pick up if you order online. Or, sign into your account to see which stores have them in stock. Of course you can always ship it to your home!